A wealth of services,
at no cost to you:

  • Service Coordination (SC)
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Independent Living Skills Training Services (ILST)
  • Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)
  • Community Integration Counseling (CIC)
  • Community Transitional Services (CTS)
  • Environmental Modifications Services (E-mods)
  • Structured Day Program (SDP)
  • Rental Assistance / Housing Subsidy
  • Assistive Technology
  • Congregate and Home Delivered Meals
  • Home Visits by Medical Personnel
  • Moving Assistance Services
  • Nutritional Counseling/Educational Services
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Respiratory Therapy Services
  • Respite Services
  • Wellness Counseling Service

We can help with your NHTD Waiver if you:

  • Are eligible for Medicaid
  • Require a nursing home-level of care
  • Need around-the-clock supervision
  • Are not with another Waiver
  • Want to be home within your community and surrounded by your family
  • Are aged 18 to 64 with a physical disability or are aged 65 or older upon application to the waiver

Let us answer that for you.

If I choose the waiver, will I lose access to other services?

Not necessarily. While certain services and  experiences are innate to a nursing home or 
other healthcare institution, the waiver program  enables you to enjoy all the services 
you need in the comfort of your own home. 

I’m worried. I have so many questions. Where do I start?

There’s no need to panic! We know that  homecare can sound confusing, but that’s 
why we’re here: we exist to help you. Our  compassionate, informed team is constantly 
on call to answer any of your questions and help  you access the benefits you deserve. 
Call us now at 718.732.0100 for immediate support.

Is it really free? I’m afraid of hidden fees or future charges.

So long as you are eligible for Medicaid, all services provided under 
Blossom Homecare will remain completely free of charge. We will never ask you for 
out-of-pocket payment on any of our services. In the event you become ineligible, we 
would discuss private pay options with you before continuing service.

What if I’m not eligible for Medicaid?

You can still enjoy the best, most human care available! We accept long-term care 
insurance, private health insurance, as well as private payment. We are happy to 
review your case and help you identify the ideal coverage or payment.

It’s time you got the
services you deserve.